Sunday, May 11, 2014


          I didn’t remember Peachey very well. My elderly friend recounted the event for me. “You remember,” he insisted, “when Phil (my father in law) fell on the river bank and cut his arm, she helped you with him!” While I remembered that accident and frying fish afterwards with our small group, I couldn’t remember Peachey. That was the name he used for the apparently sixty something lady that helped us up that river bank several years ago. Peachey had noticed my bad case of psoriasis and my friend said that she regularly asked about me. I was almost in tears when he told me that Peachey prayed for me regularly and wanted to know how my condition was!
Caring is a gift from God that has to be nurtured. It is a selfless act that considers others needs before your own. I found myself ashamed that I do not recall Ms. Peachey, but I thank God for all those like her who He has put in my life. I thank God for those who pray for me, for those who God sends ahead of me to prepare the path he has for me. I pray that God will teach me to remember others needs and that He will give me the strength to be a loving servant.
I told my friend that my skin condition was much better. God had given me a wonderful physician who was able to find a medicine that worked for me. But I earnestly requested that Peachey never remove me from her prayer list and that I would add her to mine. I still don’t know or remember Peachey’s face but I do look forward to one day hugging her neck and enjoying the company of a true sister in Christ and a friend that I didn’t even know that I had.


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