Monday, May 18, 2015

I Was There

I Was There

       I beat Him with everything that I had. I whipped Him. I cursed Him as He bled. I mocked Him. I spat on him. I laughed at His torment. I reveled in His pain.
       You see, I was there two thousand years ago when they crucified Jesus of Nazareth, and you also were there in Jerusalem. As difficult as it is to imagine, it was for our sins that Jesus was crucified. He was crucified for the sins of all men; past, present, and future. King David, Elijah, Mother Theresa, Martin Luther, you, me; we were all there. Our sins put Him on that Cross and on that Cross my sins were washed away by His Blood. Everyone who has repented and turned to follow Jesus has left their sins on that bloody old rugged cross. Jesus made the final sacrifice that day that was so powerful, so pure, that nothing more needs now be done. He makes all things new. He made clean what was unclean. He made a way to the Father for the prostitute and the Leper, the adulterer and the thief. He made a way for us all.
      I will never be ashamed of Jesus because he was not ashamed of me. I will not look around a restaurant to see who is looking and then pray so quietly my children can't hear me. I will keep my Bible near me always. I will keep His Word on my heart and my lips always. I will pray at school. I will not tolerate things that my Father says are evil.

      Jesus died on the Cross and then rose from the grave, and because He lives, I can face tomorrow with hope in Him. I know He has conquered the grave, satan, and holds the keys to hell. He is King of kings, the Lord of Lords and every knee will bow to Him. But the greatest of them all is to know that He is mine!